Scharlise Diovanella Schneider da Silva, Fabiana Lemos Goularte-Dutra , Roberta Manica-Berto, Carolina Terra Borges , Rui Carlos Zambiazi, Elizabete Helbig, Miriam R Bonilla-Lemos, Brazil
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the chemical composition and fatty acids in flax and millet seeds, in addition to exploring the effect of germination time on the seeds, with regard to chlorophyll, carotenoid, and phenol rates, as well as antioxidant capacity. Flax provided the highest lipid percentage (48.3%) when compared to millet (8.7%). The most abundant fatty acid in the flax seed was linolenic acid whereas palmitic, palmitoleic, linoleic and arachidic acids were the main fatty acids in the millet. We detected differences between flax and millet seeds at 72, 96 and 120 hours after germination, with higher rates of total chlorophyll and arytenoids in flax seeds, and higher rates of total phenols and antioxidant capacity in millet seeds. Flax and millet sprout intake may be an alternative to increase bio compounds such as arytenoids and phenols in human diet.