The Aftereffects of Mass Dismissals and Detentions of Academics at Turkish Universities
Salih Hosoglu and Zekeriya Aktürk, Germany
1-13 |
Examining the Factors Affecting the Waiting Times for Patients Coming for General Abdominal Ultrasound in a Diagnostic Centre in Danyame: A Cross-sectional Study
Kumi Maxwell Nyanor*, Nsiah-Poku Nathaniel, Appiah Nathaniel Owusu, Acheampong Prince, Ghana
14-27 |
Knowledge, Compliance and Attitude towards Early Warning Signs Documentation during Triaging at a Private Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Balreet Kaur, Annamma Kunjukunju, Aini Ahmad, Nurul Fariza, Mariyani Omar, Malaysia
28-39 |
Effectiveness of Onigirishibori Asa Self-care Technique for Weaning: A Study Using Intra Breast Ultrasound Imaging
Mami Nishikage, Yumiko Tateoka & Fuyuki Itani, Japan
40-48 |
Evaluation of Breast Engorgement and Intra-mammary Hemodynamicsusing Portable Echo
Mami Nishikage, Minami Isono, Chiaki Tanaka, Hitomi Kasai, Mika Sudo, and Yumiko Tateoka, Japan
49-55 |
Evaluating the Challenges in the Treatment of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients from Patients’ Perspective: A Qualitative Study
Dr. Himashree Bhattacharyya, Dr. Rashmi Agarwalla, India
56-63 |
Stellate Ganglion: Clinical Perspective
Dr. Mehmet ÜNAL, Turkey
64-79 |
The Effectiveness of Audiovisual Method Counseling on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents Regarding Early Marriage
Diadjeng Setya Wardani, Putri Shofy A’tul Al Fadhillah, Miftahul Jannah, Rismaina Putri, Ratna Diana
Fransisca, Nur Aini Retno Hastuti, Indonesia
80-88 |
Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia Secondary to Atherosclerosis with Concomitant Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome: A Tale of Two Stories
Abrar Zaki, Leslie Bahn Kawa, UK
89-98 |