International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research
Impact Factor : 6.998
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International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research (IJMSHR) (ISSN:2581-3366) is a open access double blind peer reviewed bi-monthly e-journal, with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid peer review system.
IJMSHR is an international open access scientific journal, providing a platform for advances in basic, translational and medical research. The journal aims to publish original research, review articles and short communications about molecular and cellular processes in disease, in order to increase understanding of the fundamental principles and biological questions of medicine. Researchers in academic and clinical settings as well as health professionals are encouraged to publish their theoretical and experimental results in this journal, which aims to integrate expertise from the molecular and translational sciences, therapeutics, and diagnostics in different medical specialties.
Recently Published Articles
Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia Secondary to Atherosclerosis with Concomitant Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome: A Tale of Two Stories
Abrar Zaki, Leslie Bahn Kawa, UK
The Effectiveness of Audiovisual Method Counseling on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents Regarding Early Marriage
Diadjeng Setya Wardani, Putri Shofy A’tul Al Fadhillah, Miftahul Jannah, Rismaina Putri, Ratna Diana
Fransisca, Nur Aini Retno Hastuti, Indonesia
Stellate Ganglion: Clinical Perspective
Dr. Mehmet ÜNAL, Turkey
Evaluating the Challenges in the Treatment of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients from Patients’ Perspective: A Qualitative Study
Dr. Himashree Bhattacharyya, Dr. Rashmi Agarwalla, India
International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research ISSN : 2581-3366 (Online) Email: